Geplantes Abstimmungsverhalten der SdK auf der ordentlichen Hauptversammlung am 24.05.2022

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1. The general meeting of shareholders acknowledges the combined consolidated management report regarding the annual accounts of the Company and the consolidated financial statements for the financial year ended December 31, 2021, as presented to it by the management board of the Company.


2. The general meeting of shareholders acknowledges the reports of the independent auditor (cabinet de révision agréé) of the Company regarding the annual accounts and the consolidated financial statements of the Company for the financial year ended December 31, 2021, as presented to it by the Ernst & Young Luxembourg, in its capacity as independent auditor (cabinet de révision agréé) of the Company.


3. The management board proposes that the general meeting of shareholders approve the annual accounts of the Company for the financial year ended December 31, 2021.


Abstimmungsverhalten: Ja


Begründung: Die Jahresabschlüsse wurden von Ernst & Young Luxembourg uneingeschränkt testiert.


4. The general meeting of shareholders acknowledges the loss of EUR 17,740,225.91 of the Company for the financial year ended December 31, 2021, as presented to it by the management board of the Company


Abstimmungsverhalten: Ja


Begründung: Der testierte Jahresfehlbetrag soll auf neue Rechnung vorgetragen werden.


5. The management board proposes that the general meeting of shareholders approve the consolidated financial statements of the Company for the financial year ended December 31, 2021.


Abstimmungsverhalten: Ja


Begründung: Siehe TOP 3


6. The management board proposes that the general meeting of shareholders approve the remuneration of the members of the supervisory board acting on the audit committee of the Company, which shall comprise a fixed annual compensation of seventy-five thousand euro (EUR 75,000).


Abstimmungsverhalten: Ja


Begründung: Die vorgeschlagene Vergütung der Mitglieder des Prüfungsausschusses liegt im Rahmen der Vergütungen vergleichbarer Unternehmen und Tätigkeiten.


7. The management board proposes that the general meeting of shareholders pass an advisory vote on the remuneration report for the members of the management board and the supervisory board for the financial year ended December 31, 2021.


Abstimmungsverhalten: Nein


Begründung: Der vom Management Board aufgestellte Vergütungsbericht ist weder vom Abschlussprüfer testiert noch vom gesamten Verwaltungsrat ausdrücklich genehmigt worden.


8. The management board proposes that the general meeting of shareholders pass an advisory vote on the remuneration policy for the members of the management board and the supervisory board applicable as from the financial year ending December 31, 2022.


Abstimmungsverhalten: Nein


Begründung: Anhand der vorgelegten Beschlussvorlage ist es nicht möglich Rückschlüsse auf die Vorstandsvergütung zu ziehen, da ein Zahlenwerk z.B. über vereinbarte Fixvergütungen, Höchstbeträge und Zielsetzungen für die variablen Vergütungsbestandteile fehlen.


9. The management board proposes that the general meeting of shareholders grant discharge (quitus) to Christoph Schuh, as member of the supervisory board, for the performance of his duties as member of the supervisory board for and in connection with the financial year ended December 31, 2021.


Abstimmungsverhalten: Ja


Begründung: Die SdK bewertet die Tätigkeit der Mitglieder des Verwaltungsrates als Team und in Anbetracht der Sondersituation des Unternehmens durch die Verschmelzung mit dem Lakestar Spac im September 2021 mit wechselnden Mitgliedern. Das Ziel Hometogo an die Börse zu bringen wurde erreicht. Ausweislich seines Berichtes traf sich der Verwaltungsrat zu vier Sitzungen, bei voller Präsenz seiner Mitglieder. Der Prüfungsausschuss tagte ebenfalls viermal. Der Jahresabschluss wurde geprüft und gebilligt. Formal ist der Verwaltungsrat seinen Verpflichtungen nachgekommen.


10. The management board proposes that the general meeting of shareholders grant discharge (quitus) to Dr. Dirk Altenbeck, as member of the supervisory board, for the performance of his duties as member of the supervisory board for and in connection with the financial year ended December 31, 2021.


Abstimmungsverhalten: Ja


Begründung: Siehe TOP 9


11. The management board proposes that the general meeting of shareholders grant discharge (quitus) to Philipp Kloeckner, as member of the supervisory board, for the performance of his duties as member of the supervisory board for and in connection with the financial year ended December 31, 2021.


Abstimmungsverhalten: Ja


Begründung: Siehe TOP 9


12. The management board proposes that the general meeting of shareholders grant discharge (quitus) to Martin Reiter, as member of the supervisory board, for the performance of his duties as member of the supervisory board for and in connection with the financial year ended December 31, 2021.


Abstimmungsverhalten: Ja


Begründung: Siehe TOP 9


13. The management board proposes that the general meeting of shareholders grant discharge (quitus) to Susanne Sandler, as member of the supervisory board, for the performance of her duties as member of the supervisory board for and in connection with the financial year ended December 31, 2021.


Abstimmungsverhalten: Ja


Begründung: Siehe TOP 9


14. The management board proposes that the general meeting of shareholders grant discharge (quitus) to Thilo Semmelbauer, as member of the supervisory board, for the performance of his duties as member of the supervisory board for and in connection with the financial year ended December 31, 2021.


Abstimmungsverhalten: Ja


Begründung: Siehe TOP 9


15. The management board proposes that the general meeting of shareholders grant discharge (quitus) to Dr. Patrick Andrae, as member of the management board, for the performance of his duties as member of the management board for and in connection with the financial year ended December 31, 2021.


Abstimmungsverhalten: Ja


Begründung: Siehe TOP 9


16. The management board proposes that the general meeting of shareholders grant discharge (quitus) to Wolfgang Heigl, as member of the management board, for the performance of his duties as member of the management board for and in connection with the financial year ended December 31, 2021.


Abstimmungsverhalten: Ja


Begründung: Siehe TOP 9


17. The management board proposes that the general meeting of shareholders grant discharge (quitus) to Valentin Gruber, as member of the management board, for the performance of his duties as member of the management board for and in connection with the financial year ended December 31, 2021.


Abstimmungsverhalten: Ja


Begründung: Siehe TOP 9


18. The management board proposes that the general meeting of shareholders grant discharge (quitus) to Steffen Schneider, as member of the management board, for the performance of his duties as member of the management board for and in connection with the financial year ended December 31, 2021.


Abstimmungsverhalten: Ja


Begründung: Siehe TOP 9


19. The management board proposes that the general meeting of shareholders confirm the discharge (quitus), given pursuant to the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders on September 13, 2021, to Dr. Klaus Hommels and Raymond Bär, as members of the supervisory board, for the performance of their duties as members of the supervisory board for and in connection with the financial year ended December 31, 2021.


Abstimmungsverhalten: Ja


Begründung: Siehe TOP 9


20. The management board proposes that the general meeting of shareholders grant discharge (quitus) to Stefan Winners, Inga Schwarting, Luca Ellul and Marc Siepmann, as members of the management board, for the performance of their duties as members of the management board for and in connection with the financial year ended December 31, 2021.


Abstimmungsverhalten: Ja


Begründung: Siehe TOP 9


21. The management board proposes that the general meeting of shareholders renew the mandate of Ernst & Young Luxembourg, represented by partner Yves Even, as independent auditor (cabinet de révision agréé) of the Company in relation to the annual accounts and the consolidated financial statements for the financial year ending on December 31, 2022, for a term which will expire at the end of the annual general meeting of the shareholders of the Company called to approve the annual accounts and the consolidated financial statements for the financial year ending on December 31, 2022.


Abstimmungsverhalten: Nein


Begründung: Die SdK lehnt Ernst&Young als Abschlussprüfer grundsätzlich solange ab, bis die Anschuldigungen gegen EY im Zusammenhang mit dem Fall Wirecard AG restlos aufgeklärt sind.


22. The management board proposes that the general meeting of shareholders authorise the management board to acquire, subject to approval by the supervisory board, of up to twenty percent (20%) of the total number of the Company's Class A Shares in issue at the date of this annual general meeting within a period of five (5) years as from the date hereof for a consideration, which may not exceed by more than twenty percent (20%) the fair market value of such Class A Shares consisting of the official closing price of the Class A Shares as reported on XETRA on the day preceding the day of the decision of the management board of the Company (or any of its delegates) to repurchase such Class A Shares and subject to the provisions of Luxembourg law and in particular paragraphs 2 to 4 of article 430-15 of the Luxembourg law of 10 August 1915 on commercial companies, as amended.


Abstimmungsverhalten: Nein


Begründung: Die Sinnhaftigkeit der Beschlussvorlage kann nicht nachvollzogen werden, da das Unternehmen aus heutiger Sicht auf absehbare Zeit nicht profitabel sein wird. Außerdem ist der Ansatz von mehr als 10% Rückkaufquote zu hoch. Des Weiteren zieht die SdK die Ausschüttung von Dividenden dem Aktienrückkauf vor.


Hinweis: Auf der Hauptversammlung kann aus sachlichen Gründen gemäß den gesetzlichen Bestimmungen von oben genanntem Abstimmungsverhalten abgewichen werden.

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