Geplantes Abstimmungsverhalten der SdK auf der ordentlichen Hauptversammlung am 30.06.2020

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Es wird berücksichtigt, dass die neue Situation die Gesellschaft vor Herausforderungen stellt, die in der Kürze der Zeit insbesondere technisch nicht sicher umgesetzt werden können. Vor diesem Hintergrund wird eine gewisse Einschränkung der Aktionärsrechte im Vergleich zur Präsenz-HV für die Hauptversammlung 2020 akzeptiert. Wir erwarten allerdings, dass die Gesellschaft im Jahre 2021 wieder zur Präsenzhauptversammlung zurückkehrt oder, sollte dies aufgrund der Fortdauer der Krisensituation auch im Jahre 2021 nicht möglich sein, bis dahin die Voraussetzungen geschaffen hat, um eine echte virtuelle, interaktive Hauptversammlung unter Einräumung aller Rechte wie auch in einer Präsenz-HV abzuhalten. Darüber hinaus erwarten wir von der Gesellschaft, dass diese selbst oder über angehörige Interessen-verbände ihren Einfluss auf den Gesetzgeber geltend macht, dass die exzessiven Beschränkungen der Aktionärsrechte in der virtuellen HV aufgehoben und Rechte wie in einer Präsenz-HV eingeräumt werden.

1 Reports of the Board of Directors and of the statutory auditor

- no vote

2 Approval of the statutory and consolidated annual accounts as at 31 December 2019

2.1 Approval of the 2019 statutory accounts:

- agree

- reason: the accounts give good and complete information on the exercise 2019  and are validated by the auditor, CEO and CFO

2.2 Approval of the 2019 consolidated accounts:

- agree

- reason: the accounts give good and complete information on the exercise 2018

  and are validated by the auditor, CEO and CFO

3 Allocation of results: It is proposed to not distribute a dividend in relation to the results of the 2019 financial year and to carry forward the profit of the 2019 financial year.

- against

- reason: the very good result of 4.91 € per share in 2019 could have well be used to distribute a dividend of 2 € per share to shareholders. The published reason by the management for a nil dividend is not convincing.

4 Remuneration report

4.1 Approval of the 2019 Remuneration report: The General Meeting of Shareholders shall approve, in an advisory capacity, the 2019 remuneration report.

- against

- reason: As we shareholders have only advisory capacity we should not vote on this report. The method described in the report is bad, not taking into account effects like the annulment of the dividend besides high earnings in the reference year.

4.2 Directors fees: The General Meeting of Shareholders shall set the amount of the total remuneration for the nonexecutive members of the Board of Directors in relation to the financial year 2019 at EUR 1,353,288 (2018: EUR 1,188,370).

- against

- reason: When the dividend for 2019 is cancelled, the management should not get a 14 % higher pay. This is unsocial behaviour against the smaller shareholders and co-owners of the company.

5 Remuneration policy

The General Meeting of Shareholders shall approves, in an advisory capacity, the RTL Group remuneration policy.

- against

- reason: same as point 4.1 and point 4.2

6 Discharge to be granted to the directors and to the statutory auditor

6.1 Discharge to the directors: The General Meeting of Shareholders shall give, by special vote, full and final discharge to all the directors for their mandate as director in respect of their management in the course of 2019.

- agree

- reason: the evolution of the businesses of RTL Group in 2019 was acceptable for shareholders and no facts are known that could affect discharge to be given, besides the decision concerning the annulment of the dividend.

6.2 Discharge to a director: The General Meeting of Shareholders shall give, by special vote, full and final discharge to Mr. Bert Habets for his mandate as director in respect of his management in the course of 2018.

- against

- reason: There is no reason to wash up now management defaults that avoided discharge in the last year.

6.3 Discharge to the statutory auditor: The General Meeting of Shareholders shall give, by special vote, full and final discharge to the statutory auditor in respect of its duties in the course of 2019.

- agree

- reason: There are no facts known that speak against the discharge of the statutory auditor of the accounts of the company.

7 Statutory appointments

7.1 Appointment of a non-executive director: The General Meeting of Shareholders shall decide to appoint as non-executive director for a term of office of one year expiring at the end of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders ruling on the 2020 accounts, Ms. Bettina Wulf, whose professional address is Carl Bertelsmann Strasse 270, D-33311 Gütersloh.

- agree

- reason: the person proposed represents the main shareholder of the company and seem to be able to conform with the requirements of the position. But shareholders would like that such nominations should be for a longer period as only one year. Board members have to become familiar with the company to control.

7.2 Appointment of the statutory auditor of the statutory and consolidated annual accounts: The General Meeting of Shareholders takes note of the expiration of the term of office of  PricewaterhouseCoopers, société cooperative, as statutory auditor of the statutory and consolidated annual accounts at the end of this meeting, and shall decide to appoint for a term of one year expiring at the end of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders ruling on the 2020 accounts, the company KPMG Luxembourg, société coopérative, having its registered office at 139, avenue John F-Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg, as statutory auditor of the statutory and consolidated annual accounts.

- agree

- reason: There are no facts known that speak against the nomination of KPMG as auditor of the accounts of the company and financial statements. The regular change of the auditor is in the sense of good corporate governance.

Auf der Hauptversammlung kann aus sachlichen Gründen gemäß den gesetzlichen Bestimmungen von oben genanntem Abstimmungsverhalten abgewichen werden.

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Schutzgemeinschaft der Kapitalanleger e.V.