Geplantes Abstimmungsverhalten der SdK auf der ordentlichen Hauptversammlung am 20.04.2016

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1. Reports of the Board of Directors and of the approved statutory auditor (on the statutory and consolidated accounts relating to the financial year 2015)


- no vote



2. Approval of the statutory and consolidated accounts as at 31 December 2015


- agree


- reason: the accounts give good and complete information on the execise 2015 and are validated by the auditor, CEO and CFO



3. Allocation of results


- agree


- reason: Besides a reduced dividend to 4 € per share, the yield of 4.9% is acceptable. The higher dividend in 2015 was due to extraordinary revenues.



4. Discharge to the directors and to the approved statutory auditor


- agree


- reason: the evolution of the businesses of RTL Group in 2015 is acceptable for shareholders and no facts are known that could affect discharge to be given.



5. Statutory appointments


- agree

- reason: the two persons proposed seem to be able to conform with the requirements of the position.



6. Miscellaneous


-  no vote

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Schutzgemeinschaft der Kapitalanleger e.V.